

Civic orientation provides you with knowledge of how society works and how to find work and become a member of society.

The course will teach you how to become more involved in Swedish society through lectures, discussions and practical exercises.

It includes study visits and visits to the course, for example to the Swedish parliament or a library, or a visit to the course by a social worker.

The course is led by a social communicator (samhällskommunikatör) with educational experience who speaks the language in which the course is held.


The overall goal of civic orientation is that participants will acquire and develop knowledge of:

  • human rights and fundamental Swedish democratic values
  • the rights and obligations of the individual in general
  • how society is organised
  • practical aspects of everyday life


The courses in Stockholm county consist of four blocks:

Part 1: Welcome to Sweden (27 hours)
• Coming to Sweden
• Living in Sweden
• Looking after your health in Sweden

Part 2: Work and education (24 hours)
• Making a living and developing in Sweden
• Occupations with shortages and the labour market
• Adult education and higher education

 Part 3: Democracy and participation (24 hours)
• Rights and obligations of the individual
• Having an influence in Sweden
• The legal system in Sweden

Part 4: Living life in Sweden (25 hours)
• Setting up a family and living with children in Sweden
• Associations
• Ageing in Sweden

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