Short-handed professions in Sweden
(Bristyrken i Sverige)
There are several things that affect how many people have a job and how many are unemployed. It depends, for example, on the country’s economy, how large the population is and how many are of a working age. Sometimes there is a lack of people who work in a certain profession because there are too few who are trained in that particular profession. That means there is a shortage of labor.
In Sweden, there are a lot of short handed professions, some require longer university education, while other professions have lower educational requirements.
The Swedish public employment service (Arbetsförmedlingen) produces forecasts for which professions there are the greatest job opportunities.
Examples of occupations with the greatest job opportunities that require university education:
- Preschool teacher
- Dentist
- Police
Examples of professions with the greatest job opportunities with different levels of education:
- Bus driver
- Painter
- Assistant nurse