When parents separate

(Om föräldrar separerar)

Parents with joint custody who separate or divorce retain joint custody of their children unless another decision is made.

Living arrangements and visiting rights

(Boende och umgänge)

Parents who separate or divorce must make a joint decision about the best place for their children to live.

All children are entitled to personal, regular contact with both of their parents. That is referred to as visiting rights. Parents share the responsibility for making sure that their children have the opportunity to see both of them.

If parents cannot agree on where a child should live or how often the child can see each of them, they may obtain advice and support from the municipality. If they still disagree, they can go to court.

Child support

Parents who separate share the responsibility of supporting their children. If a child lives with only one parent, the other parent must pay child support.

If the parents can’t agree, they may obtain assistance from the municipality or go to court.

The community can offer support

(Samhället kan ge stöd)

The community can offer support for parents and children who are experiencing problems. For instance, the parent-child relationship may be strained or the child may not be doing well for some other reason. In such cases, parents can contact the social services or family centre in their municipality. They can also talk with the counsellor or nurse at the child’s school.



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