The community provides support and assistance

(Samhället kan ge stöd och hjälp)
The police, municipal social services, women’s shelters and men’s shelters support adult and child victims of violence or threats.

Support for children

(Stöd för barn)

An adult who notices that a child is the victim of violence or other abuse should contact the police or municipal social services. That may be done anonymously.

Children who are experiencing problems may talk with a teacher or counsellor at school, or with another adult they trust. They can also obtain support and assistance by phoning Barnens Rätt i Samhället – BRIS (Children’s Rights in Society).

More information and support for children

Barnens Rätt i Samhället:

Children’s helpline: 116 111. The caller is always anonymous.

Jourhavande kompis (Friend on the Phone): 020-222 444.

LINNA mottagningen is for 13-25 year-old victims of honour-related violence and oppression.

Elektra: organization that provides support for boys and girls victims of honour-related violence and oppression.

Support for adults

(Stöd för vuxna)

Women victims of violence may contact municipal social services, the police or a women’s shelter. The shelter offers counselling, as well as legal and practical assistance with notifying the police, filing for divorce, etc. The shelter can also provide a woman with protected housing.

Men who are the victims of violence, or who engage in violence or threats and want to change their behaviour, can obtain support from men’s shelters or crisis centres.

Find out more

(Läs mer)

Police information about domestic violence:

Kvinnofridslinjen (Violence against Women Helpline):

Brottsofferjouren (Victim Support Centre):

RFSL Stödmottagning (RFSL Support service):

Terrafem, a network that offers support in many languages: Helpline 020-521 010.

Somaya kvinno- & tjejjour, which offers support to women in many languages.

Rikskriscentra för män (National Association of Swedish Crisis Centres for Men ):

Sveriges Mansjourers Riksförbund (Swedish Association of Men’s Shelters):


Origo – Resource Centre against Honour-related Oppression and Violence in Stockholm County
Origo offers support and counselling to young people who are subjected to honour-related oppression and violence. People who work at authorities or NGOs can also get support and guidance from Origo in their work.


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